Startup Cube ( Startup Pitch by entrepreneurs with ideas, panel headed by Suresh Ketha, Shridhar Mittal, Bhaskar KrishnamSetty & Shameer Soni)
Speaker(s): Shridhar Mittal, Suresh Ketha, Tahir Hussain and Bhaskar Krishnamsetty
Time: 15:30 – 17:00
Room: Silver Lake C&D
ITServe with its primary focus on building network for IT Services organizations/executives have evolved over several years in understanding ever changing Technology Dynamics and need for encouraging Innovation/Entrepreneurship.
"Startup Cube" by ITServe is a step towards encouraging innovation and mentor entrepreneurs. As part of this session we are inviting intellectuals, successful entrepreneurs, and representatives from venture capitals to be part of Session Key Note/Panel Discussions, interact with startup owners and provide feedback on ideas/products presented during the session.
We have invited and encouraged startups from various industry verticals to participate and pitch their products/ideas. We will collect constructive feedback from Panel Members/Audiences. At the end of sessions ITServe will facilitate potential parties to meet/discuss the possibilities of funding the ideas.
Look for a highly interactive, inspirational, and rewarding speeches from our Key Note Speaker/Panelists.
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