Thank you for your continued support to ITServe Alliance. ITServe is conducting meetings each month to bring informative sessions to its members. We have a full day event planned for our April meeting on Wednesday April 12th 2017.
TOPIC: How to win DIRECT clients and diversify your portfolio - Analytics, MicroServices & DevOps technology areas.
WHO: Macaw Software, Oracle & ITServe
WHEN: April 12th 6:30-10:00 pm.
WHERE: Rakesh Patel Law Office, 1125 Executive Cir #200, Irving, TX 75038
BRIEF: There will be a sales boot camp for IT executives and owners on how to position Analytics and Microservices to end clients. You will also get a chance to interact with experts and other technology folks in the industry. IT owners will also get a chance to win prizes.
6:00 - 7:00: Networking
7:00 - 7:15: Organizational Updates/Welcome New members
7:15 - 7:45: Sponsors
Oracle Corporation
CIMA Solutions
7:45 - 8:30: Expert Panel: Industry experts from Oracle, Analyst & Macaw Software
8:30 - 9:15: How to Win DIRECT Clients and diversify your portfolio - Analytics, Microservices, & DevOps
9:15 Onwards: Dinner & Networking
PLEASE RSVP so we can arrange food, badges and refreshments.
Please extend this invitation to a prospective ITServe member as your guest to learn more about the benefits of becoming an ITServe member.
See you on April 12th - Wednesday!
Thank you!